Bigfoot crossing sign on U.S. Hwy 2 in the Sky Valley. Sky Valley Chroniclephoto.
The Sky Valley Chronicle says in “Breaking News” for June 29, 2012: “It’s on the south side of U.S. Highway 2 at a coffee shop just a few miles up the road from the Sky Valley Chronicle ranch where the mighty Chronicle is banged out daily by dedicated, decent, church goin’ God fearing American journalists who load their own ammo (.45 long colt mostly) and practice the lost art of Zen motorcycle repair.”
“Sky Valley Washington” refers to the towns and valley between Monroe and Skykomish, Washington State, United States, where the Skykomish River Valley flows and converges with the Snoqualmie River to make the Snohomish River. The towns from east to west include Skykomish, Baring, Grotto, Index, Gold Bar, Startup, Sultan and Monroe. The valleys were founded in the mid-19th century by homesteaders who utilized the trades logging, mining, farming and in the late 1890s, the East to West Burlington Northern Train.
Have you seen one that is actually on a North American roadway?
There are various signs (see here) you can find online, which I suppose people could put up on private roads, but it is the real ones we’re looking for, right?
There are a few actual Bigfoot/Sasquatch signs out there. Have you seen others like these?
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