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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Interview with The Sasquatch Hunters of Florida on new DNA evidence

Left to Right: Stacy Brown Jr., Jim Ridley, John Eaves, Glenn Williams, Mike Roberts, Matt Roberts, David Lauer

This interview is with Stacy Brown Jr. a team member of The Sasquatch Hunters of Florida. We get into their perspectives of the Sasquatch and new DNA evidence that is currently under going lab work. Soon to be released hopefully to the public with some interesting results. I have interviewed many on Bigfoot at my radio show The Church of Mabus and heard many strange perspectives. Stacy's seems more down to Earth and suspended on the paranormality that I have found often persistant with Bigfoot. To each their own perspective that is the point in learning more information. Presenting.
1. Could you tell us about your team and whose in your group?

We are a group of everyday people that have a passion to find out the truth about sasquatch. Not just for ourselves but for everyone else as well. We currently have 12 members, all with very differnt backgrounds. Everything from a vietnam war vet to a musician. We fund ourselves and have over $10,000 in top of the line gear. The members of the team are some of the most dedicated people I have ever met. They also don't think everything is a "squatch" unlike some of those guys on television. When they tell me something went down I can bank on it. We also have free expeditions where we take people out to one of our spots and teach them everything they need to know. We also make all of our gear availible for them. This way we are not just taking out in the woods and turning out the lights. They get the full experience.....besides we have so much stuff we can't use it all at once anyways.
2. So over all what is your team's perspective and belief on Sasquatch?
Over half of our team has seen a sasquatch and were pretty sure they are a great ape. At first when I got in the field I couldn't figure out why someone hasn't got one yet. Then after I was in it for a little while I realized that not everyone does research the same way. The spot I am working now had been researched for about five years before I got there and not one of the previous researchers had stayed the night in the woods. Tell me how your gonna find a nocturnal animal when you don't stay in the woods at night? Now these guys are suppose to be the best but maybe thats just how they advertised themselves. Anyways it's just a matter of time now before this whole thing is solved. There are now finally some serious people in the woods putting in the time.
3. Could you tell us about this up and coming DNA studybeing done regarding some evidence by a forensic scientist?
Well we don't wanna say to much but we have recently teamed up with a forensic scientist named Tim Whitfield. He has an extensive background in the field which some is availible at our website. He will examine all of our evidence and when we get the results he will publish our discoveries. As of now we have various hair samples and two handprints. We are currently gathering more samples as we await the results on the others. Honestly the whole ketchum thing is taking a while. After talking to Tim we believe we can get ours out before her so I can know for myself.
4. What are some scenarios you and your team have been through regarding Bigfoot that you could tell us about case wise?
When Tim first came to the site and visited with the landowner she told us about her a/c unit being hit while she was asleep. Now that might not seem to out of the ordinary but the bottom of the unit is 8ft off the ground. It's 9.5 ft to the top. You have to have a ladder to reach it. Tim asked her if he could look at it. So we got the ladder and Tim found a hair on the top. He then decided to dust it and found two handprints. This kinda skocked everyone. Tim thought maybe there was something to it. Later that eveing we were using my sister and my wife as bait by having them walk the trails by themselves. They got a huge object on the thermal. So they then pushed towards the object. Forcing it to go towards the house. Tim was by the house and heard the dogs go off. So he walked towards the dog pin and it took off. He said it was leaning forward like it was doing the 40 yard dash. He seen it plain as day and was convinced in what he saw.
Another one is our thermal video on our website. We were in Nothern Georgia and friday night one of our teams were observing a field of rye grass. A thunderstorm rolled in and lightning statred popping. The team started to leave when a bolt of lightning lit up the woods ahead of them revealing a sasquatch about 25 yards away. Matt Roberts didn't see it and he wanted proof on what they saw. So he ran up the hill towards it. He got about five yards away from where they said it was when it took off down into a ravine. The next night me and David Lauer took the thermal down into the ravine. When we got to the bottom we found a spot overlooking the creek. I started blowing a deer in distress call for about 45 minutes when we got movement on our parabolic. So we scanned the thermal towards the sound when it stepped out in full view. It looked like a large man. We were not behind anything we were just sitting out in the open. So I guess it seen us because it moved behind a tree and started peeking at us. The thermal we had was a flir i5. It does not record video so we had to film the lcd screen. So it gave us less than desireable results but we still knew what it was. Like I said when we first saw it the creature was in full view. I know what it was. Anyways it walked off and so did we. I went home and bought a $6000 flir scout ts-32 which does record video and has an awesome zoom. I will be ready next time.
5. When it comes to witnesses of some of these cases what are their initial reactions to bigfoot? Do they have a hard time dealing with the reality of it?
Well in the case of the a/c unit I believe it was fear that struck the landowner. She thought it had been hit with a stick or rock...not slapped. She seemed kinda unnerved afterall it was right below her window. In my wife's case she was kinda dumbfounded. She didn't believe in sasquatch and thought it was a waste of my time. I guess it was hard for her to grasp at first but she is now in the market for snake maybe she believes more than she did before. Most of the time their intial reaction though is fear.
6. Do you consider yourself hunters or researchers and what is your ultimate goal when it comes to Sasquatch?
Well I believe they are the same thing aren't they? You have to track them down to do the research so im not sure. Ultimatly our goal is to prove the existence of sasquatch with irrefudable evidence.
7. What are some of your most personal experiences with Bigfoot experience wise?
There was that one time me a biggie went to the beach and watched the sunset over the bay.He's really sweet..but really I guess it was last November.This was the first time we had been to the property. Matt Roberts and myself were in for one scary night. They walked around our camp all night. We had hickory nuts threw at us and at one point we woke up to our tent shaking. We got a thermal image that night and some really good audio.Needless to say I was sold. I then quit my band thing I was doing and went in full throttle.
8. Alot of people in the field seem to get upset with Bigfoot being a paranormal type creature of multidimensional proportions. Or heaven forbid bring up the Sasquatch possible UFO connection and all hell breaks loose. Whats your thoughts on this?
Well anything is possible. Anytime you go that route though people think you are nuts. Just to much for their minds to grasp I guess. To tell you the truth I aint never looking in the sky my face is stuck in a thermal. At one point on that night in November I thought it may be ghosts. They get around so effortlessly I could see where one would think that.
9. Have you ever known or heard of Bigfoot to be dangerous towards humans or any cases of hostility towards man? I'm strongly for no kill when it comes to this mysterious being. What is your stance? To kill or not to kill?
Well the girls were growled at one night by one so I believe when they feel threatened they will attack. Just like any other predator..which is what they are. To tell you the truth im gonna get close to bigfoot so he will make that decision. If he runs away im no-kill but if he comes at me in aggression im pro-kill. If it comes at me I will defend myself. I have never killed anything unless you count fish so that should tell ya something.
10. What is your team's website and what are your future plans and ambitions regarding the future of the team case wise and project wise?
Our website is . There you will find out all you need to know about us. We have posted some of our findings on there so you can check out what were doing. Our future plans with the project is to gather the DNA we need and hopefully get some samples from other areas of the country for comparison. We will then publish it much like Ketchum was supposed to do a while back and hopefully in an orderly fashion.
Jeffery Pritchett is the host of The Church of Mabus radio show bringing you stories on the high strange. As well as serious research investigators on the elusive mysterious Squatch. Tune in 11pm Eastern Saturday nights or stop by our archives anytime at your own leisure.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great article and later on in october Stacy did get the best thermal footage of a bigfoot ever.


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