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Monday, August 27, 2012

Possible Bigfoot screams?

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Bigfoot Chicks, Melissa Adair. As serious researchers, the Bigfoot Chicks are commited to seeking the truth regarding the Bigfoot mystery. You can visit their blog at

A group camping in Sequoia National Park captured the screams of an unknown animal on video around 8:00am. The sound is quite eerie and intense. The camera man reported that the sounds were coming from the East. In the video, the sounds seem to grow louder, suggesting that whatever was screaming was moving closer to the group's position.

See video below.

The screams are eerie and wailing and are similar to other alleged Bigfoot sounds that have been captured by other researchers. There is a hint of perhaps coyote mixed in with the sound of the screams, but it's definitely different. At the first viewing of this video, I was immediately reminded of the scream I was able to capture on video in the Sulphur River bottoms. 

There was an initial eerie scream similar to the ones heard in the video above that set off a pack of coyotes. As soon as I heard the scream I turned on my ipod and was able to capture another scream in the middle of a chorus of coyotes. The sound is completely different from that of the coyotes.

See below.

The sounds definitely got our attention, and it appears that the screams in the first video captivated that group as well. Have you heard these sounds before??
original post found HERE

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