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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Interview with investigative team the Bigfoot Chicks

This is an interview with the investigative team known as Bigfoot Chicks. Having recently had a Cryptothon at the radio show I host The Church Of Mabus. Consisting of many personalities well known in the Bigfoot research field. It is a pleasure to see more women taking this approach when it comes to research and field work. I am glad to be able to bring you this interview to make more people aware of the team known as Bigfoot Chicks. I hope you enjoy this interview. Presenting.
1. Could you tell us about your team members and their specific roles they play within the unit?

BC: Melissa (co-founder) assumes the responsibilities of documenting our research through digital media, planning expeditions, and contributes to our blog and facebook page. Angela, professional photographer, contributes by documenting our field research, helps plan expeditions and contributes to our blog and facebook page. Rob (co-founder) is our “techie” and brings and maintains our computers and gadgets. He also contributes to and maintains our blog and facebook page.
2. So is there a story behind the name the Bigfoot chicks and what does it mean to you? Isn't there a dude on your team?
BC: No story really. Rob and Melissa were talking about creating a place for us to put our pictures and videos of our field research. Rob created a facebook page and Melissa threw out the name Bigfoot Chicks and the rest is history.  We are a team with the girls doing more work in front of the camera and Rob behind the scenes.  He’s more of an “Alfred” than a “Charlie”.
3. What is your perspective on Bigfoot as far as to exactly what type of being it is?
BC: We are inclined to believe that Bigfoot is an unknown primate, possibly a descendant of the Gigantopithecus Blackie.  The evidence that has been uncovered would suggest that it is a physical being with intelligence similar to our own and maybe possessing highly developed sensory abilities that enable it to be elusive. 
4. Could you tell us about some of your Bigfoot experiences out on the field?
BC: While on an expedition in WV, Melissa was in a group of six people with a group of 7 more people maybe 50 yards further up the trail. As the groups radioed back and forth to each other about to return a wood knock one of the groups had already made, all 13 people heard an explosive tree knock coming from somewhere between the 2 groups.  She had seen and heard a “linebacker” of a guy slam a wooden bat into a tree shortly before and THIS tree knock dwarfed the “linebacker’s” attempt. The groups then made calls back and forth to each other.  After a few rounds of this, all 13 people heard an amazing “Ohio Howl” coming off the ridge ahead of both groups. Then, the sound of things dropping out of trees started. Melissa had 3rd generation night vision and stood at the head of the group looking back at them.  With the night vision, she witnessed a log and a rock go sailing just over the heads of the people in her group.
5. What sort of equipment or devices do you usually bring along with you on your sojourns into ye ole woods?
BC: We always bring video cameras, a FLIR if we have it, and audio recorders.
6. Why do you think Bigfoot is so elusive and it seems evidence wise theres always a mystery taking place?
BC: Assuming Bigfoot actually exists, the creature most likely possesses highly developed sensory abilities and is a master of camouflage with the ability to “hide in plain sight”.
7. Do you think Bigfoot is a paranormal being or multidimensional or physical like us?
BC: We are inclined to believe that Bigfoot is a physical being, highly intelligent, and is more ape than man.
8. How do you feel about the UFO Bigfoot connection? This always seems to cause an uproar in the Squatch community. That some how aliens are connected to Bigfoot or Bigfoot is of alien origins itself.  I for one don't have a problem with it and believe there is a Nephilim Squatch connnection that dates back to ye ole Holy bible.
BC: We have not observed this connection in our own research and have not heard of this connection taking place with any of our fellow researchers who actively investigate bigfoot sightings.
9. To kill or not to kill that is the question. How do you feel about people out there who want to kill bigfoot for personal gain or scientific evidence? That which I call the King Kong dilemma. I prefer the term researcher over hunter.
BC: The Bigfoot Chicks are NO KILL.  We only have the desire to witness the creature in its natural habitat and do what we can to ensure its survival. Those seeking to kill a bigfoot for monetary gain fail to see the significance of its existence.
10. What does your team have planned in the future and what are your site links? Also any parting wisdom you'd like to share from the divine feminine as we depart regarding the sacred Squatch?
BC: The Bigfoot Chicks Team is currently in the process of planning an expedition in the southeast involving multiple research groups. We are also compiling a video of memorable moments in the field and contributing to a publication about cryptid research.
BC: Parting words: We are dedicated researchers who love what we do. We believe it is important to have an open mind, but approach things logically when doing field research. Putting yourself out in the woods as often as possible and practicing various techniques for attracting and finding these creatures, assuming they are really there, seems the best way to have an encounter.
Jeffery Pritchett is the host of The Church Of Mabus radio show bringing you interviews on the paranormal and high strange and cryptozoology. Saturday nights at 11pm Eastern or come listen for free on our archives at your own leisure.

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