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Thursday, August 16, 2012

New California Bigfoot photo!

New Picture of Bigfoot caught in california.

The photo above was purportedly taken near the town of Happy Camp, CA. It's located in the canyons of the Klamath Mountains-- along the Klamath River. It is the home territory of a Native American tribe called the Karuk Ar. Happy Camp is also home to many reported sightings of the "Hairy Man".

We get these sorts of photographs all the time in our email, but most are merely blobsquatches . Sometimes we get one that's really interesting, like this one-- mainly because it's unlike any other photos we have seen before. If you look at the image above, the legs seems a lot shorter than the typical description of Sasquatch. The arms and coned head are proportionally the right length, but the legs, man-- something isn't right about it. The photograph also looks a little instagram-ish (filtered).

Here's what Wolf M. wrote:
Here's a photo my friend posted on her FB account. I don't know anything about the photo but it was taken near Happy Camp, CA. I have been studying BF since I was a kid as a hobby, I'm a musician by trade. I'm still a little skeptical about the whole thing but thought you'd enjoy this shot!? I can try to find out more about the photo and get back to you...apparently, this was the "best" shot he got, so there must be other pictures. I will see what I can find out?
Original post found here 

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